lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2014

De mis autoras favoritas: Jennifer viene con algo Wicked

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A estas alturas, no sé si alguien queda por saber que JENNIFER L. ARMENTROUT me tiene subyugada. No leo tanto como me gustaría, ya sabéis que nuestro sino es saltar de libro en libro sin lealtades extremas a un sólo autor, pero he leído varias de las historias de Jennifer y adoro su estilo ligero, sensual y tremendamente adictivo. No dudé ni un instante en añadir WICKED a mi (infinita) lista de deseos y, por supuesto, hoy os traigo el anuncio de su publicación en inglés.

WICKED inicia una nueva trilogía de esta autora que parece que fabrica libros como exhalaciones. A millares. Encajado en la categoría de "romance paranormal nuevo adulto", tiene lugar en Nueva Orleans, donde unos asesinos implacables acechan las calles que ella debe proteger. Aunque la ciudad no es lo único en peligro, pues su corazón, roto en el pasado, amenaza con caer presa de un chicarrón muy tentador. ¡A mí me suena que va a ser una bomba en manos de Jennifer!

La portada ya es algo gamberrilla, ¿no os parece? ;o) Por cierto, no os perdáis el comentario del "pastel". Lo descubriréis enseguida, está una foto de lo más discreta...


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WICKED Synopsis: Things are about to get Wicked in New Orleans. Twenty-two year old Ivy Morgan isn’t your average college student. She, and others like her, know humans aren’t the only thing trolling the French Quarter for fun… and for food. Her duty to the Order is her life. After all, four years ago, she lost everything at the hands of the creatures she’d sworn to hunt, tearing her world and her heart apart. 

 Ren Owens is the last person Ivy expected to enter her rigidly controlled life. He’s six feet and three inches of temptation and swoon-inducing charm. With forest-green eyes and a smile that’s surely left a stream of broken hearts in its wake, he has an uncanny, almost unnatural ability to make her yearn for everything he has to offer. But letting him in is as dangerous as hunting the cold-blooded killers stalking the streets. Losing the boy she loved once before had nearly destroyed her, but the sparking tension that grows between them becomes impossible for Ivy to deny. 

Deep down, she wants… she needs more than what her duty demands of her, what her past has shaped for her. But as Ivy grows closer to Ren, she realizes she’s not the only one carrying secrets that could shatter the frail bond between them. There’s something he’s not telling her, and one thing is for certain. She’s no longer sure what is more dangerous to her—the ancient beings threatening to take over the town or the man demanding to lay claim to her heart and her soul. 

A picture of a fresh cupcak placed on a sensual female butt


It was him. Green Eyes. Ren. That was his name. Now I remembered. I started to step forward, but he beat me to it. Moving as quickly as a damn snake striking, he caught my wrists. He didn’t yank my arms to my sides. All he did was hold my fists away from his face.
A lopsided grin appeared on those full lips. “Can’t say I’m entirely surprised you took a swing at me.”
“Then I guess this won’t surprise you either.” Leaning back, I shifted my weight onto my left leg, but again, Ren outmaneuvered me with a quickness that was sort of embarrassing.
He stepped into what would’ve been a fantastic kick and forced me back against the wall. Then there was nowhere to go, no space whatsoever. My back was against the building, and the entire length of his hard body was pressed against mine.
Son of a b*tch.
As if he could read my mind, that grin spread and the dimples played peekaboo. “Now I think we can have a conversation without me ending up bloody.”
I blew out an aggravated breath. “I wouldn’t bet on that not happening.”
He chuckled, and the sound rumbled through me. I couldn’t even remember being this close to a guy since . . . since Shaun. “Look, I’m sorry for snatching you off the street like a kidnapper, but you were about to make yet another huge mistake.”
His apology was lost on me. “Make another mistake?”
“Yeah, like the one last night that ended with you getting shot.” He dipped his chin, and the yellow glow of the light attached to the wall above us glanced off his broad cheekbones. “I know what you were about to do.”
“I didn’t make a mistake last night. I was doing my job,” I spat. “And I doubt your job includes grabbing chicks off the street.”
“That would be a hell of a lot more entertaining, but the moment you thought you could engage that fae last night, you made a mistake. And you were about to do it again, you little ass.”
“Little ass?” I sputtered. “You grabbed me off the street like a serial killer!”
“And I’ve apologized for that even though you should be thanking me. I just saved your life, sweetness.”
Floored, all I could do was stare at him for a moment. “You’re insane.”
“I’m a lot of things, but today I’m your f*cking saving grace.”

black and white closeup of woman end man kissing  

La culpable de que quiera coleccionar todos sus libros
y llenar una pared entera que no tengo:

Author Photo
Jennifer L. Armentrout: # 1 NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, working out, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki. Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Spencer Hill Press, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her book Obsidian has been optioned for a major motion picture and her Covenant Series has been optioned for TV. She also writes adult and New Adult romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.

Decidme, arrebatadores, ¿habéis leído libros de Jennifer? ¿Cuántos y cuáles son vuestros favoritos? Confesad :o)

Babel contando los libros que aún no tiene.

3 comentarios:

Maria Soul dijo...

Creo que esta autora no debe dormir entre todos los libros que publica con varios pseudónimos, desde luego que es una ídola, jajaja. Yo de mayor quiero ser como ella.

De ella sólo he tenido la posibilidad de leerme el primero de su saga Lux y me gustó bastante, me parece que tiene un buen ritmo y sus historias te llegan al fondo, con personajes que enamoran.

Esta serie que comentas tiene buena pinta, y la portada es muy bonita, echaré un vistacillo a sus páginas.

¡Muchos besicos!

May R Ayamonte dijo...

por leerlo *-*
Gracias por compartirlo, no sabía que había nueva trilogía de Jannifer ahora en inglés!!

BookCyFeR dijo...

No conozco esta autora. Pero claro, es que yo en inglés sólo se leer Stop, yes, no y alguna palabrota...
Un beso!!!